Thursday, October 27, 2011

Coconut Oil Hair Treatment

Hey Ladies! As I continue to try to keep my hair as healthy as possible I have found that coconut oil treatments is a must have in my hair routine. Once a week I cover my hair in coconut oil for a few hours to allow my hair to absorb all the good nutrients. Keeping my hair healthy and shiny without having to get regular trims every 4-6 weeks. This is beneficial to me because I'm trying to grow my hair as long as I can aka mermaid hair! Even if you aren't trying to grow you're hair I would recommend it. Don't worry, you wont be walking around smelling like a coconut all week. Just make sure you wash your hair really good when you rinse it out because oil + water = no mixy, got it? Give it a shot and let me know what you think. If you don't like it then at least you have a new ingredient to cook with. YUM!

Good News: I found a real video editing tool so I'll be able to put out better quality videos moving forward! Horray!

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